Career Tests

Career tests are a great way to get to know yourself better and figure out what fits. Don’t let the word “test” scare you. It’s a lot more fun than a school test! No studying is necessary because there are no right or wrong answers. You just want to go with your gut and answer the questions honestly so that your results will truly fit you. Here at Careers Out There, we offer you two assessment choices.


The iStartStrongTM inventory helps you identify careers that connect with your personality and interests. The questions will take you around 30 minutes to answer. When you’re finished, you’ll receive a report describing your personality, interests and the type of work environments you might like. Each of those interests are linked with specific career paths. The report even helps you explore those careers by providing links to additional resources for each path. Click here to see a sample report.

While we didn’t create this test, we think it’s a great tool.  The iStartStrongTM inventory is based on results from the world’s most respected career assessment tool, the Strong Interest Inventory®, which has been helping people in their search for fulfilling careers for close to 80 years. If you’re in high school, college or doing some exploration for your first career, I recommend iStartStrongTM.



I’m a huge fan of the Myers-Briggs® assessment tool known as the MBTI® personality type assessment, especially for those looking to make a career change. This is the assessment I took when I was looking to leave the music business. The MBTI® was incredibly helpful in leading me to a successful career in attorney recruiting. Every time I review my results, I still say, “This report knows me better than I do!” Click here to see a sample report.

The MBTI® goes deep into your psychology, helping you understand yourself better by exploring your personality type preferences. The MBTI® can help you understand your strengths, how you interact with others, where you fit professionally and personally, as well as where you have room for growth. Although the MBTI® appears less career path-focused than the iStartStrongTM inventory, the look in the mirror the MBTI® provides is extremely helpful in determining what fits you. Plus, as you’ll see on page 5 of the sample report (link above), it also matches personality preference types with the career paths they often enjoy.

The MBTI® Complete will take you approximately 45-60 minutes. In addition to receiving a report, you will be taken through a self-guided, online interpretation of your results.

The MBTI® is the most widely used assessment of personality in the world. It’s based on the work of Swiss psychiatrist Carl Jung, has been in use for over 60 years and is constantly researched and revised.


*CONFIDENTIALITY: As a recruiter, I held the secrets of lawyers and employers all over Los Angeles – and I did it well. While you’re taking these tests through Careers Out There, I will respect your confidentiality by sharing nothing from your iStartStrong™ and MBTI®Complete reports.  Similarly, The Myers-Briggs Company, the publisher of the iStartStrong™ and MBTI®Complete, will keep your assessment results confidential.